Thursday, February 25, 2010

85mm Goodie Gumdrops

Say Hi !  We have a new kid in the family.  Yeah, him on the top right.  We're going to start giving these names as they are making the rounds in my family.

Welcome 85mm f/1.8 

I've been researching a great lens to use for shooting my niece's volleyball games and soon her track and field meets.  I was happy to use the 24-70mm the last time around ~ but that baby is heavy and there are times when I just want to bring something light with me.  The 50mm was great but Daughter #1 has it and we did not need two of 'em.  So I saved up for our new lens in the family.

I took it for a spin yesterday and then again today.


f/1.8 and f/7.1.  Neat, huh! 
click for bigger image 

I shot this today while driving ~ so far, there is no law against that yet *grin*.  Wildflowers!  Since I snapped this from my side of the car and the flowers were on the passenger's side of the car ~ I had to crop a bit from the photo, but otherwise, it's SOOC.  The crop  takes some of the clarity away.

This tree was in full bloom.  I shot this at ISO 100 and at f/1.8 ~ love the blur I get.  I didn't do anything to the picture.  It is straight out of the cam.  I think it'll look much nicer on Flickr so I'll post it there.

I can't wait for the first opportunity to use this lens.  It's not great for inside the house since you've got to be quite a distance away but for outdoor photography and for indoor sports, I think it's going to do great.

I'm only lacking ONE more lens in my life.  I may have to hit the lottery for that one or find me a benefactor. In the meantime ~ my kids and I are going to immensely enjoy our shared hobby.

And spring is just around the corner!  Gotta love that!


  1. I'm salivating just looking at the boxes! I want the 24-70! The 85mm is one of my favorite lenses. The bokeh is nice, as you demonstrated in the shot shots above. It's fast and tack sharp as a prime lens should be. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos!
